Tag Archives: Organic


26 Nov

Once upon a time I attempted to create a fragrance-free skin care business. Due to a number of factors I was never able to get that business off the ground. One of the products I sold was SFIC soap and it is the bar soap I use today. I try many varieties of fragrance free soaps. Dr. Bronners is my favorite liquid, and this is my favorite bar. SFIC is the soap of choice for crafters who use melt and pour bases to make their own creations. They take very well to colors and scents, but I obviously prefer the bar in it’s natural fragrance-free state. There are no synthetic ingredients in these soaps. The are 100% pure soap and they come in a variety of kinds: Aloe Vera, Clear, White, Olive Oil, Castile, Goats Milk, Oatmeal, Shea Butter, Hemp Seed Oil and Cocoa Butter just to name a few.

The clear soap formula ingredients are Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Safflower Oil, Glycerine (kosher, of vegetable origin), Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide (saponifying agent), Sorbitol (moisturizer), Sorbitan oleate (emulsifier), Soybean protein (conditioner).

The complete list of formulas can be found here:

The one problem with SFIC is their minimums are high for the average customer. They specialize in bulk sales, private labeling and custom soap blending. I placed an order and my minimum was 250 lbs. I figured out that I will have enough soap for 20 years, but according to the company their soap has an indefinite shelf life, so I am good with this.
If you would like smaller quantities, go to wisterialane.com. They sell SFIC soap in with no minimum quantity.

I highly recommend SFIC soap. It is soft, luxurious, and lathers very well.

Photo credits: SFICSoap.com

Andalou Shampoos

25 Oct

I’ve been trying to incorporate more natural, organic scents back into my life.  I’ve become so accustomed to everything in my life being fragrance-free, I now have to make an effort to incorporate real scents back into the products that I use.

I found Andalou shampoos at Whole Foods.  These products are

“made naturally without GMO’s, gluten, paraben preservatives, petrochemicals, phthalates, sulfates, synthetic colors, dyes and fragrances. Verified Gluten-Free 100% Eco-friendly, Vegetarian & Cruelty-Free.”  The fragrances they use are organic essential oils and I tolerate them very well. The scents smell very pure and not over powering at all.  Unfortunately, they do not make a fragrance-free version, so if you have reactions to essential oils, even organic essential oils, do not use these products.  I use the Argan & Sweet Orange, and the Sunflower & Citrus.  I haven’t tried the conditioners yet because I’m really happy with the conditioner I currently use.

Andalou products are available through Vitacost, where you can buy them for a better price than Whole Foods.

Avocado and Olive Oil Hair Treatment

18 Oct


Here is a natural recipe for your hair.  Avocados are rich in healthy fats as well as Vitamin E and C.  Olive oil also provides generous amounts of healthy fats and Vitamin E.


Blend or mash one avocado with ½ cup of olive oil.  Add egg yolk, honey or aloe vera gel for added moisturizing benefits.


Apply to dry hair, cover with a shower cap and towel over top of that.  Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes, rinse and then shampoo.  Condition if you would like.


27 Sep

I found a product called Microbe-Clean in my local Whole Foods several years ago.  It is a multi-purpose cleaner and odor eliminator that uses the power of non-pathogenic microbes to clean and remove odors.

Microbe-Clean is capable of cleaning and eliminating odors from food waste, animal waste and human waste.  It’s also fragrance-free.  The smell is hard to describe, but it is not strong or offensive whatsoever.  Here is the description from the website:

MICROBE-CLEAN is environmentally safe and based on nature’s own cleaning invention—microbes. Common stains and odors result from organic residue (food, beverages, urine, etc.). MICROBE-CLEAN puts billions of naturally occurring, non-pathogenic microbes to work, cleaning and removing odors in the same way microbes do in nature, leaving the environment clean and fresh smelling.

MICROBE-CLEAN is more effective than enzyme or surfactant products because microbes biodegrade the residue, removing it (which the others cannot do). This is especially important in porous materials like carpet, wood, or hard-to-get-to areas where residue is not accessible with normal cleaning techniques. MICROBE-CLEAN can be used full strength or diluted and can also be used in a carpet cleaning machine to resolve all sorts of problem issues.

I use Microbe-Clean primarily to clean up after I sauna.  I spray my sauna mat with it and I have never had any issues with odor from sweat on my mat.  I also will throw a cup in the washer if I have some laundry that is less than fresh.  You can also use this to clean your carpets and I will be doing so as my dog has taken to peeing on my area rug.

My local Whole Foods doesn’t sell this anymore so I order it directly from the website.

Toxin Free Tampons

12 Aug


Conventional tampons contain pesticide-laden cotton, a very dangerous toxic chemical named dioxin that is result of chlorine bleaching and rayon, a fiber made from wood pulp that requires hundreds of chemicals to convert it from wood to rayon.

I recently made the switch to organic cotton tampons because I am always interested in reducing the amount of toxins I can avoid.  I purchased these boxes of Natracare Organic Cotton Tampons from Vitacost.  Both boxes contain 16 tampons with card applicator and each cost $4.87.  They are 100% organic cotton, perfume free, biodegradable and totally free of chlorine.  Seventh Generation also makes a line of organic tampons.

I found a very informative article online by Meghan Telpner.  Her site is MeghanTelpner.com and she writes about healthy nutrition.  Click here to read her research paper “Tampax Tampons: Toxic Death Sticks.”  Meghan also discusses several alternatives to conventional toxic tampons, one of them being the menstrual cup.  A menstrual cup is a small silicone cup that is inserted to collect fluid.  They are reusable and do not carry the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome like tampons do.  I’ve been intrigued by this option for some time and I think I will be giving it a try some day.  But in the meantime I’ll stick with my organic cotton tampons.

Dealing with Friends and Family

9 Aug

Many people with MCS will agree that dealing with friends and family who are attached to their chemical fragrances is probably the most difficult and heartbreaking aspect of having this condition.

Not only do we suffer the physical illness of this condition, potential interference with work lives and even loss of our homes, we also face the prospect of rejection by our friends and family.  Often times when we need these people the most, they can be the cruelest.

The reactions of my friends and family range a wide spectrum.  I have people in my life who have been very understanding, gracious, and accommodating.  I also have had people in my life who have either mocked me, turned their back on me because I “offended” them, or just flat out told me they believed it was “all in my head.”

One of my sisters straight out informed me that she believed I should “just get used to it”, and she would expose me to her smelly hair products whether I liked it or not.  Luckily she was getting married so she moved out of the family home shortly thereafter.  Even my own husband was very resistant to the changes he knew he had to make in order to continue to be with me.  He knew that any fragranced products were a deal breaker for me, so although he grumbled a bit along the way, his attitude is a lot better than it used to be.

I recently had a very positive experience with my husband’s brother and his wife.  After a noxious visit in their air “freshened” living room, the conversation came up when we were talking about chemicals, which is when they realized the plug-in in the other room was an issue for me.  Even though I know I shouldn’t, I find myself in situations where I tough it out when it’s possible, because I’m afraid to speak up and ask for others to accommodate me.  I’m afraid of the confrontation and potential rejection.  They were asking me questions about how I became sick and what kinds of things bother me.  They genuinely wanted to know.  The next night my husband and I went back for dinner.  Not only were they were gracious enough to remove the plug-in, all of the windows were open and all of the ceiling fans were running.  There were NO traces of the plug-in and we had a wonderful visit.

It’s experiences like these that really make it clear to me that certain people will understand and sympathize, and others won’t, and often times I’m afraid there is not much we can do to make them understand.  All you can do is express your situation the best way you know how, and ask kindly and sincerely if your friends and family are willing to accommodate you.

Here are some of the reasons I can think of that people give to explain why they feel they shouldn’t have to accommodate a person with MCS:

“If I don’t get sick from chemicals, then they must be safe, therefore you must not be as sensitive as you claim to be.”

“You’re crazy, it’s all in your head, and therefore there’s no reason for me to change the products that I use.”

“I like the way fragrance smells, and I don’t see why I have to change what I like for someone else.”

“It’s my right to wear perfume (or cologne) and you’re not going to tell me what to do.”

The common thread that runs through all of these reasons is narcissism.  The person who willfully chooses to put their desire for chemicals over the health of another human being has a character flaw.  Many times we feel, “If I could only make that person understand, then they wouldn’t be so callous and rejecting.  They would sympathize and put me above their use of chemicals.”  You cannot make that person understand because they don’t want to understand.   If they actually understood where you are coming from, they would have to do something about it.

When someone is coming into your home, you have every right to set the rules for your own environment and request that anyone who crosses your door be scent-free.  Most of the time, our homes are the only safe place in the world that we have, and it is extremely important to let people know what you can and cannot tolerate.  For those who are willing, it’s extra beneficial to let them know how to be scent-free and I will be creating printout instructions on how to help your loved ones be scent-free.

When we venture out into someone else’s environment, we are left with only a small number of options.  If someone chooses not to make concessions that would allow you to spend time in their home, then that person is not worthy of being a part of your life.  As brutal as this may sound, sometimes we need to remove people from our lives.  The number one strategy to deal with MCS is AVOIDANCE.  We have to be diligent about removing the toxins from our lives, because toxins are what harm us.  It doesn’t just mean chemicals.  People can be toxic.  In my opinion, a person’s negative attitude about MCS can serve as your litmus test.  When a friend or family reacts negatively to your situation, they are showing themselves for who they truly are.  They are telling you, “I won’t be there for you.”  I only want to be surrounded by people who will support me and be there for me unconditionally.  Often times we are stuck believing that we have to keep certain people in our lives because they are relatives or you have known them for a long time, but sometimes we have to reevaluate those relationships and make a clearing.  If it seems like more people than not in your life are intolerant and unsupportive, tell yourself that the larger the clearing, the more space that leaves for people to come into your life who ARE compassionate, loving and understanding.

My husband and I spend our time and holidays with his family.  My husband’s family are good people.  They are very understanding and accommodating because it means more to them to include me in the family functions than to use artificial fragrances around me.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Everything is not perfectly scent-free, but it is at a level that is very tolerable for me.  Scented candles used to be a big part of their Christmas holidays, but they no longer use them for my benefit, and no one has ever made me feel ashamed for having chemical sensitivity.

Martha Beck is an author and sociologist who I was watching online one day.  She spoke about how the truth will set you free. When you stand in your own truth and you speak your truth, she said, “the people who were never there for you will go away and in the clear space they leave and there will be love that you never imagined.”  That one statement has had such a profound affect on me.  It’s so appropriate.  Our truth as people living with MCS is we must ask for help from those around us if we want to participate in their lives.  It’s untruthful of us to keep quiet and suffer, even though we are afraid they will reject us.

I understand eliminating every unaccommodating friend or relative is not always an option.  There are circumstances where breaking those ties causes damage to other relationships.  For example, severing the tie with an unaccommodating, fragranced mother might mean not being able to see your beloved father.  Another example is a difficult (grown) child of your husband or wife, where in order to be rid of the child, you would have to end your relationship with your partner.  I have been in a circumstance like this, and was able to successfully navigate my way through it.  I had conflict with my stepson because he chose to be negative towards my MCS.  My only option was to tell his father I have to protect my health, so I kept my distance from his son.  A while later, his son needed a place to stay and we agreed he could live with us only on the condition that he was completely scent-free to my specifications.  At first he resisted and resented it, but agreed, and in the end he even admitted being scent-free wasn’t that big of a deal.  Nowadays he is more mindful of fragrance when he comes to visit.  Certain situations will require more diplomacy and finesse, but if a time comes when your back is up against the wall, you may have to choose between your health or your partner, your health or your parent, or even your health or your child.  Only you can decide what price you are willing to pay for standing in your truth.

One thing to keep in mind though is that change is the only constant in this world.  Sometimes people do come around and have a change of heart.  It is possible but please do not blame yourself when friends and family will not accommodate your MCS.  While it can be excruciatingly painful, their absence only leaves room for others to come into your life and love you, MCS and all.

Amazing Grass Green Super Food

26 Oct

When I can’t make my green juices (more on this later) I like to use Amazing Grass Green Super Food powder.

This powder contains a blend of Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa, Organic Spirulina, Organic Spinach, Organic Chlorella (cracked cell-wall), Organic Broccoli, Organic Acai, Organic Maca, Organic Carrot, Organic Beet, Raspberry, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Pineapple, Green Tea, Acerola Cherry, Organic Flax Seed Powder, Apple Pectin Fiber, and a blend of Pre and Probiotic Digestive Enzymes (F.O.S from Chicory Root, L. Acidophilus, Alpha and Beta Alylase, Protease, Lipase, Lactose, Cellulose).

That’s a lot of nutrients packed into a small scoop size. The taste is better than I expected. It’s not wonderful but it’s more than tolerable. It tastes very green.

My Non-Toxic Naturepedic Bed

23 Sep

Finding a comfortable chemical-free mattress was becoming a real bane for me. Before I became chemically sensitive I never had an issue with a conventional mattress (that I was aware of at the time). Last year I decided it was time I replace the existing bed I had, a regular memory (i.e. polyurethane) foam mattress on an adjustable hospital frame bed. While I was not reacting to the mattress (it was several years old and had already out gassed) it was becoming unbearably uncomfortable, to the point where I was waking up with pain in my upper back every single day.

The first mattress I tried was a 100% organic cotton thick futon mattress that was completely chemical-free. Searching for a mattress without fire retardants wasn’t that difficult, as most organic mattresses use a layer of untreated wool as their flame-retardants, but I was not too keen on this. I asked if the untreated, unbleached wool emitted an odor and the sales person was honest and said “It does smells sheepy.” So I passed on the wool wrapped mattress and with a doctor’s prescription ordered the mattress without the fire protection. For me, I felt it was better to be chemical-free than sleep amidst toxic chemicals in the unlikely event that one day my bed might catch on fire.

Unfortunately this mattress didn’t work for me. The mattress created a hammock shape where my body rested and I just wasn’t comfortable. I won’t name the company because it was not their fault that this type of mattress just didn’t suit my sleeping needs.

I looked into a natural latex bed but after visiting the showroom, I knew I could never get used to a latex bed. The smell of latex makes me nauseous so this was another option I had to eliminate from an already very short list.

After more searching, I found Naturepedic. I ordered the quilted organic cotton deluxe mattress in a queen size, without the optional foundation. The outside is quilted organic cotton and the inside is organic cotton filling and inner springs. The company lists this as medium-firm support, and it is very supportive and comfortable. I chose to put a mattress topper and quilted cotton mattress pad on top to soften it up a bit. I LOVE my bed. I couldn’t have found a more perfect mattress to fit my needs.

There’s no wool or latex which is great for anyone with allergies to either. Naturepedic decided to forego traditional toxic chemical fire-retardant systems in favor of a non-toxic method that utilizes baking soda and hydrated silica permanently bonded to cellulose.

Here’s a picture of my bed all made up on my solid wood platform bed frame.

My Chemical-Free Bed

For more info, go to Naturepedic.com to check out their full line of products. Mattresses come in crib sizes, as well as twin, full and queen.

Photos below courtesy of Naturepedic.