Tag Archives: Hope


22 Oct

Photo by Vanicream

Vanicream’s line of fragrance-free personal care products are some of the first products I used after I became chemically sensitive.  All of their products are “free of dyes, fragrance, masking fragrance, lanolin, parabens and formaldehyde.  In addition, they’re all gluten-free.”

The line contains skin cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens, hair care and shave cream.

Scent-Free Dryer Sheets

15 Oct

I don’t use dryer sheets. I’m really not bothered by static cling, but for those of you who are and do not want to use toxic fragranced dryer sheets, here are some suggestions.

Several companies make fragrance-free dryer sheets. Seventh Generation is one of them.

Photo by Seventh Generation

Purecosheet is a non-disposable option. It is a reusable cloth dryer sheet that contains no chemicals. It is good for more than 500 loads.

Photo by Reuseit.com

Another option is to use a damp cloth in your dryer cycle. Also, a ¼ cup of white vinegar in the washer is known to reduce static. I use vinegar to freshen my laundry so I am also getting the anti-static benefits as well.

All About Eve

8 Oct

I first heard about Eve many months ago when I was perusing videos about MCS on Youtube. I saw her video link entitled “How to Detox your Body Tips – and MCS Recovery.” Eve was the first person I had found who had recovered and was sharing in detail just how she recovered.

I soon watched all of her videos she has on her Youtube channel, Eve’s Pot of Gold. Her intro video recalls how she initially became sick and the steps she took to become well. Her story is very similar to mine in how she became sick, and it was the first time in a long time that I too believed I could recover.

Eve developed her wellness plan through her own research on the Internet. Medical doctors were of no help so she became the architect of her own health.

Her plan for recovery includes a wide variety of healing modalities, but the foundation of her program is detoxification, based on the principles recommended by Dr. Sherry Rogers. Dr. Sherry Rogers has written many books on MCS, including Detoxify or Die, Tired or Toxic and the E.I. Syndrome. The program that Dr. Sherry Rogers outlines in her book include use of daily sauna, coffee enemas (which is also part of the Gerson Therapy) and a detoxification “cocktail” of glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Vitamin C.

Eve also discusses gut health, nutrition, supplementation, living in a non-toxic home, emotional health, stress reduction and physical fitness. She even offers Zumba and personal training online through video chat. This is a short list of the health topics she addresses. She updates her website and Facebook page daily with new information to help others detoxify, strengthen their immune systems and get well.

I get emails from a lot of people who are newly chemically sensitive. They are afraid and upset that the life they once knew is gone. I know they are looking for help and hope, and one of the first recommendations I make is for them to read Eve’s pages and watch her videos. Her story of recovery is what gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get back to taking charge of my own health, and continue to detoxify on a regular basis. I was stagnating in my efforts and I quite often felt like I was doing all this for nothing.

I hope Eve’s story will inspire others that you can get well and you can recover from MCS. I have always believed MCS can be reversed if the body is given what it needs in order to be able to heal. Detoxification is peeling back the layers of toxicity our bodies have become mired in through living in this modern chemical world.

Detoxification Tips:

How to Do a Coffee Enema:

You can find more info at her website, Detox the Body MCS. She also has a very active Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DetoxTheBody.

Eve is not a medical doctor (nor am I.) Everything she posts is based on her own personal experiences and neither she nor I are offering medical advice. Everything you choose to do in regards to your health is done at your own risk.

Chlorine Free Bleach

4 Oct

Don’t use chlorine bleach.  It’s toxic.

I’ve used Seventh Generation’s Free and Clear chlorine free bleach.  It is a non-toxic oxygen bleach, meaning it uses hydrogen peroxide.  There are no harmful fumes and won’t discolor clothing.

Seeing as this is a hydrogen based bleach, you can also hydrogen peroxide.  Vinegar and citrus acids, like lemon juice, are also effective alternatives.

Dealing with Friends and Family

9 Aug

Many people with MCS will agree that dealing with friends and family who are attached to their chemical fragrances is probably the most difficult and heartbreaking aspect of having this condition.

Not only do we suffer the physical illness of this condition, potential interference with work lives and even loss of our homes, we also face the prospect of rejection by our friends and family.  Often times when we need these people the most, they can be the cruelest.

The reactions of my friends and family range a wide spectrum.  I have people in my life who have been very understanding, gracious, and accommodating.  I also have had people in my life who have either mocked me, turned their back on me because I “offended” them, or just flat out told me they believed it was “all in my head.”

One of my sisters straight out informed me that she believed I should “just get used to it”, and she would expose me to her smelly hair products whether I liked it or not.  Luckily she was getting married so she moved out of the family home shortly thereafter.  Even my own husband was very resistant to the changes he knew he had to make in order to continue to be with me.  He knew that any fragranced products were a deal breaker for me, so although he grumbled a bit along the way, his attitude is a lot better than it used to be.

I recently had a very positive experience with my husband’s brother and his wife.  After a noxious visit in their air “freshened” living room, the conversation came up when we were talking about chemicals, which is when they realized the plug-in in the other room was an issue for me.  Even though I know I shouldn’t, I find myself in situations where I tough it out when it’s possible, because I’m afraid to speak up and ask for others to accommodate me.  I’m afraid of the confrontation and potential rejection.  They were asking me questions about how I became sick and what kinds of things bother me.  They genuinely wanted to know.  The next night my husband and I went back for dinner.  Not only were they were gracious enough to remove the plug-in, all of the windows were open and all of the ceiling fans were running.  There were NO traces of the plug-in and we had a wonderful visit.

It’s experiences like these that really make it clear to me that certain people will understand and sympathize, and others won’t, and often times I’m afraid there is not much we can do to make them understand.  All you can do is express your situation the best way you know how, and ask kindly and sincerely if your friends and family are willing to accommodate you.

Here are some of the reasons I can think of that people give to explain why they feel they shouldn’t have to accommodate a person with MCS:

“If I don’t get sick from chemicals, then they must be safe, therefore you must not be as sensitive as you claim to be.”

“You’re crazy, it’s all in your head, and therefore there’s no reason for me to change the products that I use.”

“I like the way fragrance smells, and I don’t see why I have to change what I like for someone else.”

“It’s my right to wear perfume (or cologne) and you’re not going to tell me what to do.”

The common thread that runs through all of these reasons is narcissism.  The person who willfully chooses to put their desire for chemicals over the health of another human being has a character flaw.  Many times we feel, “If I could only make that person understand, then they wouldn’t be so callous and rejecting.  They would sympathize and put me above their use of chemicals.”  You cannot make that person understand because they don’t want to understand.   If they actually understood where you are coming from, they would have to do something about it.

When someone is coming into your home, you have every right to set the rules for your own environment and request that anyone who crosses your door be scent-free.  Most of the time, our homes are the only safe place in the world that we have, and it is extremely important to let people know what you can and cannot tolerate.  For those who are willing, it’s extra beneficial to let them know how to be scent-free and I will be creating printout instructions on how to help your loved ones be scent-free.

When we venture out into someone else’s environment, we are left with only a small number of options.  If someone chooses not to make concessions that would allow you to spend time in their home, then that person is not worthy of being a part of your life.  As brutal as this may sound, sometimes we need to remove people from our lives.  The number one strategy to deal with MCS is AVOIDANCE.  We have to be diligent about removing the toxins from our lives, because toxins are what harm us.  It doesn’t just mean chemicals.  People can be toxic.  In my opinion, a person’s negative attitude about MCS can serve as your litmus test.  When a friend or family reacts negatively to your situation, they are showing themselves for who they truly are.  They are telling you, “I won’t be there for you.”  I only want to be surrounded by people who will support me and be there for me unconditionally.  Often times we are stuck believing that we have to keep certain people in our lives because they are relatives or you have known them for a long time, but sometimes we have to reevaluate those relationships and make a clearing.  If it seems like more people than not in your life are intolerant and unsupportive, tell yourself that the larger the clearing, the more space that leaves for people to come into your life who ARE compassionate, loving and understanding.

My husband and I spend our time and holidays with his family.  My husband’s family are good people.  They are very understanding and accommodating because it means more to them to include me in the family functions than to use artificial fragrances around me.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Everything is not perfectly scent-free, but it is at a level that is very tolerable for me.  Scented candles used to be a big part of their Christmas holidays, but they no longer use them for my benefit, and no one has ever made me feel ashamed for having chemical sensitivity.

Martha Beck is an author and sociologist who I was watching online one day.  She spoke about how the truth will set you free. When you stand in your own truth and you speak your truth, she said, “the people who were never there for you will go away and in the clear space they leave and there will be love that you never imagined.”  That one statement has had such a profound affect on me.  It’s so appropriate.  Our truth as people living with MCS is we must ask for help from those around us if we want to participate in their lives.  It’s untruthful of us to keep quiet and suffer, even though we are afraid they will reject us.

I understand eliminating every unaccommodating friend or relative is not always an option.  There are circumstances where breaking those ties causes damage to other relationships.  For example, severing the tie with an unaccommodating, fragranced mother might mean not being able to see your beloved father.  Another example is a difficult (grown) child of your husband or wife, where in order to be rid of the child, you would have to end your relationship with your partner.  I have been in a circumstance like this, and was able to successfully navigate my way through it.  I had conflict with my stepson because he chose to be negative towards my MCS.  My only option was to tell his father I have to protect my health, so I kept my distance from his son.  A while later, his son needed a place to stay and we agreed he could live with us only on the condition that he was completely scent-free to my specifications.  At first he resisted and resented it, but agreed, and in the end he even admitted being scent-free wasn’t that big of a deal.  Nowadays he is more mindful of fragrance when he comes to visit.  Certain situations will require more diplomacy and finesse, but if a time comes when your back is up against the wall, you may have to choose between your health or your partner, your health or your parent, or even your health or your child.  Only you can decide what price you are willing to pay for standing in your truth.

One thing to keep in mind though is that change is the only constant in this world.  Sometimes people do come around and have a change of heart.  It is possible but please do not blame yourself when friends and family will not accommodate your MCS.  While it can be excruciatingly painful, their absence only leaves room for others to come into your life and love you, MCS and all.

Amazing Grass Green Super Food

26 Oct

When I can’t make my green juices (more on this later) I like to use Amazing Grass Green Super Food powder.

This powder contains a blend of Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Alfalfa, Organic Spirulina, Organic Spinach, Organic Chlorella (cracked cell-wall), Organic Broccoli, Organic Acai, Organic Maca, Organic Carrot, Organic Beet, Raspberry, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Pineapple, Green Tea, Acerola Cherry, Organic Flax Seed Powder, Apple Pectin Fiber, and a blend of Pre and Probiotic Digestive Enzymes (F.O.S from Chicory Root, L. Acidophilus, Alpha and Beta Alylase, Protease, Lipase, Lactose, Cellulose).

That’s a lot of nutrients packed into a small scoop size. The taste is better than I expected. It’s not wonderful but it’s more than tolerable. It tastes very green.

New Dating Site for Single Canaries

26 Sep

Dating is a very complicated issue for those living with environmental illnesses. Our disorder comes with a long list of restrictions and requirements we have to ask of our partners in order for them to be with us.

I often thought how great it would be for a dating site specifically dedicated for people like us. Well, now there is one – Canary Singles.

Here is Canary Single’s press release, reprinted from Webwire.com:

Joshua Tree, CA, September 2011 — Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed., founds new online dating website, Canary Singles, to help single people with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) or chemical injury connect with other singles.
Canary Singles (http://www.canarysingles.com/) provides a private online dating or personal ads platform restricted only for single individuals with MCS, EMHS or other chemical injury illnesses like Autism, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue or Gulf War Syndrome who would like to connect with others who share their condition for friendship, dating or romance.
There are two membership options: Free or Premium. With the free option you are able to register, post a profile and photo and search for other singles. When you’re ready to connect with others, then you upgrade to the premium membership, which is a nominal fee to make it affordable for small budgets. The premium membership also includes access to the relationship advice center.
To celebrate the grand opening, Cynthia will be giving away 5 free premium memberships in a random drawing. To enter the drawing, simply go to Canary Singles before Oct. 15th and register for a free membership.
Cynthia, who is a holistic health counselor and lives with MCS herself, states: “individuals with chemical injury face many barriers in trying to find and form meaningful personal relationships. Canary Singles attempts to break down those barriers and improve the process.”

Stories of Recovery: Derval Dunford

8 Jun

I am always deeply encouraged when I read the recovery stories of other people with chemical sensitivities. Derval Dunford is one of the people. I first read about Dunford through Planet Thrive’s interview with her.

Derval Dunford © Daithí Turne

She discusses the traumatic death of her father, as well as her years of working with chemical products she used as a beautician. After many glimpses of chemical sensitivities in her twenties (such as reacting to potpourri in the shop she worked in), her main acute exposure occurred in November of 2003 from oil paint. After that point, she became hypersensitive to everything that was chemically fragranced.

Dunford says it was a gradual process that brought her back to an acceptable level of tolerance after two years. Along with healthy dietary changes and avoiding chemical products, she used mediation, visualization exercises and relaxation daily. This is what led her to develop her own meditation CD. The CD is called Sui, and it includes guided and non-guided meditation techniques.

Derval Dunford © Daithí Turne

Click here at Planet Thrive to read the full interview.

Her CD is available to purchase at http://www.sui.ie, where you can listen to a sample track. I love her beautifully soothing Irish voice and look forward to owning this CD.


7 Feb

Hope is the cornerstone of all recovery, no matter what illness or affliction one is dealing with. If you believe you can recover (to whatever level of health) and have the desire to move forward through the healing process, than I think that frame of mind will be the most valuable asset in recovery.

That is why I have such a difficult time when my chemical sensitivities heighten, because I get caught up in a constant state of fear that questions if I will ever overcome this.

My father died of cancer several years ago. He had a very aggressive kind of cancer, one that almost nobody survives. But he had hope that he would overcome it. He believed that where there’s life, there’s hope. He believed in miracles and he was waiting for his miracle, right up until the very day he died.

Unfortunately that made a very strong imprint on me. My dad had hope right up until the very end. He had the believe he could beat his cancer and certainly the desire to do so, and he died anyway. In the end, the strength of his convictions meant absolutely nothing. All of the struggle and the fight and the devastation from the chemicals pumped into his frail little body was all in vain. So I think, why should I have hope? How do I know I am not destined to a life of sickness and suffering.

This is what the shadow side of me thinks about. My true self really can’t believe I am destined to a life of suffering at the hands of this chemical world. If I had lost my hope, I wouldn’t even try anymore. But I do try. Everyday I get up and I try again. And I will continue to get up and try again.