Archive | November, 2010

“Non-Toxic” Scented Products Emit Toxic Chemicals

29 Nov

Here is a great article I came across today, entitled “Non-Toxic” Scented Products Emit Toxic Chemicals. The article states that even certain products labeled “natural”, “non-toxic” or even “green” are emitting dangerous chemicals called VOCS, or volatile organic chemicals.
Anne Steinemann, a civil and environmental engineer at the University of Washington in Seattle and lead author of the study, analyzed 25 common scented products, including ones labeled organic,” “natural” or “non-toxic”. Of these 25 products, scientists detected at least 133 known classified toxic chemicals that were being emitted from them.
For all of us sensitive to fragrance, this is such an encouraging study to read because I hope that it will educate those around us that their scented products are not just a matter of personal choice. They infringe upon the health and wellbeing of others.
One thing that was new to me was that the study, published in the journal Environmental Impact Assessment Review, warned of the dangers of essential oils. “Essential oils emit VOCS just like synthetic fragrances do. And they carry many of the same risks.”
Claudia Miller, an expert in environmental health and allergies at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio states “The feeling is growing that you shouldn’t be putting these things in environments where everyone is exposed.” Like second-hand smoke, “scented products expose people to hazards against their will. Your right to wear fragrance ends at my nose.”
Click here to read the article.