Archive | March, 2010

Detox – Dry Brushing

31 Mar

I was recently introduced to dry skin brushing as a means of detoxification. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system and removes dead skin cells so our skin can dump toxins more efficiently. Dry brushing stimulates circulation, strengthens the immune system and is also reported to remove cellulite. You can use a natural bristle brush or loofah.

Dry brush dry skin in circular motions towards your heart. Begin at your feet and work upwards.

Here is a great article giving more details on this technique.

Green Cleaning Your Home

28 Mar

Because of my sensitivities to synthetic fragrances, I clean my home with natural ingredients. There are so many wonderful green cleaners on the market, like Seventh Generation. I use a lot of their products. But it’s also easy to make your own.

The four ingredients I use to clean anything in my home is water, baking soda, vinegar and castile soap. Baking soda has a multitude of uses (which I will be blogging about later). It is a great abrasive agent to scrub your hard surfaces such as your sinks, showers and bathtubs. I even use it as a toilet cleaner. Vinegar is a great disinfectant. I use it with water to clean up after my little yorkie’s “accidents” around the house. When I need a soap to get the job done, I use Dr. Bronners, another product I will be reviewing and blogging about later.

Tossing the Old Products

26 Mar

When I first became chemically sensitive I had to rid myself of all of the artificially scented products I used to love. I was constantly searching for good quality personal care products that would not give me headaches. I purged all of my products – soaps, scented lotions, body sprays and my beloved Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. The hardest thing for me to get rid of was my many bottles of nail polish. I held onto them for several years, but finally let them go once I realized that I would never go back to a life of toxic products again. It was so hard to give into the fact that my life was different, that in a very short period of time I went from adorning myself with (chemical) fragrances to living a life scent free. Seven years later it is still something I struggle with.

Dangerous Everyday Fragrances

26 Mar

This video discusses that the scents surrounding us everyday can be dangerous to our health.


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Afflicts Many: Are You and Your Family at Risk?

26 Mar

“Do you think chemical sensitivity is rare? Think again! A surprising number of people report sensitivity to ordinary everyday chemicals such as perfume, automobile exhaust, air freshener, cleaning products, and petroleum products. The figures range from an average of eleven to seventeen percent, with spikes as high as thirty-three percent of subjects who report reactions to multiple chemicals. The figures reveal that at least two percent, and as many as six percent, have been so bothered by chemical exposures that they sought medical care and received a doctor-diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).”

Full article available here

Welcome to Scent Free Girl

26 Mar

Welcome to my blog, Scent Free Girl.  Here you will find all kind of information about fragrance-free products, the dangers of synthetic fragrance and other chemicals we are exposed to, how to green clean your home, and how to live life to the fullest despite having allergies and sensitivities to fragrance.