Archive | December, 2010

Badger Unscented Lip Balm

21 Dec

Fragrance in lip balm was not something I ever thought about until I had a problem with (synthetic) fragrance. I used to use Chapstick until the smell was so bothersome I was forced to fine something to replace it (and yes, Chapstick contains synthetic fragrance).

I also may be one of very few people who can’t stand flavored lip balms as well, which makes it really difficult to find a lip balm that I can use. Even many so-called “natural” lip balms are scented and flavored with plant oils that can cause reaction.

This is why I like Badger Unscented CERTIFIED ORGANIC Lip Balm. I came across this lip balm at a local health food store in my town and am very pleased with it. While it has no chemical fragrance to it, the CO2 Extract of Rosemary (used as a preservative) does give the product an herb smell, which (to me) is not overpowering and quite nice.

Check out the company’s website Badger balm
Also, check out Vitacost, which is where I bought my lipbalm for $2.55.

Ingredients: *Extra virgin olive oil, *golden yellow beeswax, *castor oil and CO2 extract of *rosemary.
* = Certified Organic

Disclaimer: This is my personal recommendation. I am not sponsored or compensated in any way by the above company. Depending on your levels of tolerance, not all products are right for everyone. Use at your own risk.

Fragrance Free Products

19 Dec

I love shopping for fragrance-free products.  I’m always so excited to see more less toxic products come on the market.  In this blog, I’m going to post product reviews to all the fragrance-free products I like (and don’t care for so much.)

Check back soon.