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Avocado and Olive Oil Hair Treatment

18 Oct


Here is a natural recipe for your hair.  Avocados are rich in healthy fats as well as Vitamin E and C.  Olive oil also provides generous amounts of healthy fats and Vitamin E.


Blend or mash one avocado with ½ cup of olive oil.  Add egg yolk, honey or aloe vera gel for added moisturizing benefits.


Apply to dry hair, cover with a shower cap and towel over top of that.  Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes, rinse and then shampoo.  Condition if you would like.

Electrolyte Water Recipes

24 Oct

I do a lot of saunas and I’ve recently been taking steps to make sure I replace my electrolytes since I’m been sweating so much.

Here are a couple of recipes I’ve found to make your own electrolyte drinks, instead of drinking bottled sports drinks with sugar and artificial colorings.

Dr. Oz’s Electrolyte Water Recipe
1 liter of water
1/2 tsp of baking soda
2 tbsp of agave nectar (low glycemic so it won’t raise your blood sugar like sugar or maple syrup)
1/2 tbsp of sea salt

Low Carb Sports Drink
1 cup of water
2 tbsp of lemon juice
small pinch of salt
flavor or sweetener to taste (like stevia or xylitol)

Make Your Own Shampoo

15 Feb

It’s not always easy to find fragrance-free shampoo, and if you’re looking at your local grocery store, Target or Walmart, it’s impossible. While I have a few brands that I do like, I love this shampoo recipe. I made it myself and it is incredibly moisturizing. These are all the ingredients you will need:

Aloe Vera Gel
Liquid Castile Soap
Vegetable Oil

Combine a 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, a 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap, a 1/4 tsp. of vegetable oil (I like sesame oil, jojoba or safflower oil but any natural oil is fine), and 1 tsp glycerin. Mix the ingredients and store at room temperature.

These are the brands that I like: Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gel, whole leaf or inner filet, Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap (I use baby mild) and glycerin I purchased from Whole Foods. The brand I’m using now is Frontier. Oils by Nature sells glycerin in small quantities or bulk and they are VERY reasonable. That is also where I purchase my natural oils.

Try this recipe and tell me what you think. My hair is very dry and this formula works great for me.